Articles & Patient Case Studies

Dr. Mudit Sharma provides insights and advice on spine care, pain management, and minimally invasive procedure and discusses patient case studies.

Cervical Disc Pain: What YOU Can Do About It

You may notice that as you grow older, you begin experiencing more and more pain in your neck and shoulders region. Most adults are unaware of the constant stress that…

Types and Causes of Chronic Neck Pain

While we know that many adults suffer from chronic lower back pain at some point in their life, not nearly enough attention is given to those who suffer from neck…

Alternative Therapies for Chronic Back Pain

With chronic back pain affecting 8 out of 10 adults, it’s no wonder that the field of treatment for back and spinal injury is so vast and varied. While surgery…

Is Smoking Causing Lower Back Pain?

Is Smoking Causing Lower Back Pain? While there have been multiple studies on the effects that smoking and tobacco have on the body, most people are not aware of the…

Whiplash: When to See a Doctor

Whiplash is the set of injuries that occur to the soft tissue areas of the neck when it’s suddenly propelled or distorted. It typically affects the muscles, tendons, and ligaments…

Back Pain and Sciatica

The sciatic nerve is a major nerve that extends from the lower part of the spine down the back of each leg, and often causes a lot of pain when…

Slowing Down The Aging of Your Spine

It is no coincidence that important elements surrounding your life are given the moniker of “backbone.” You’ve likely heard these sentiments over and over again: “Education is the backbone of…

Time to Cross off Back Pain

Let’s take a minute to think about what we do with our legs throughout the day.  From the moment you wake up, you’re engaging your legs. Regardless of whether you…