Articles & Patient Case Studies

Dr. Mudit Sharma provides insights and advice on spine care, pain management, and minimally invasive procedure and discusses patient case studies.

Your Spine and Your Sleep

Want to have a better night’s sleep? Instead of listening to whale sounds maybe it’s time you start focusing on your spine. That’s right your spine affects your sleep. This…

The Conservative Approach to Back Problems

Back and neck pain can affect anyone at some point in his or her life. Fortunately the vast majority of these episodes do not last long and improve on their…

Healthy Spine in the New Year

Low back pain is one of the most common symptoms experienced by a person. It can be mild and last only a few days or it can be disabling and…

“Slipped Disc”

Slipped disc is a condition commonly seen in patients suffering from leg and back pain. It is important to understand its origin and its treatments. First, the term slipped disc…

Spinal Cord Stimulation

Neurostimulation  (sometimes referred to as spinal stimulation or spinal cord stimulation) is a technique for decreasing a patient’s pain by substituting a pleasant massage-like vibration sensation instead of the pain.…

Spinal Fusion

The spinal column is made of vertebral bodies, discs and ligaments. Together they form a functioning unit that lends stability to the body and allow us to move. This column…

Treating Cancer of the Spine

The diagnosis of cancer or tumor of a spine can be a devastating blow to a patient. In addition to the burden of living with the disease, the patients have…