Whiplash Syndrome

What’s the Treatment for Whiplash Syndrome?

Most commonly, whiplash syndrome comes about as a result of a rear-end automobile accident. Should someone strike your vehicle from behind, your head and neck has the potential to snap…

Types and Causes of Chronic Neck Pain

While we know that many adults suffer from chronic lower back pain at some point in their life, not nearly enough attention is given to those who suffer from neck…

Whiplash: When to See a Doctor

Whiplash is the set of injuries that occur to the soft tissue areas of the neck when it’s suddenly propelled or distorted. It typically affects the muscles, tendons, and ligaments…

Whiplash Syndrome

Whiplash syndrome is a hyperextension injury of the cervical spine that is commonly associated with motor vehicle crashes. As a clinical entity, it presents many chalenges to the clinician due…