Low Back Pain

What’s Causing Your Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit the doctor. If you’re suffering from this ailment, it’s imperative to take immediate action with the goal of…

Stop Painful Falls from Injuring Your Spine

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), one in every three adults falls each year. These falls can cause painful and dangerous injuries such as hip fractures, back injuries…

Is Neuropathy the Source of your Back Pain?

One of the reasons back pain can be so frustrating is that a number of issues can cause it. Your spine specialist can help you determine the source of pain…

5 Tips for Easing Back Pain

Back pain can result from a number of issues, from injury to illness. Fortunately, back pain therapies offer a number of ways to alleviate pain and stiffness. The following tips…

How to Ease the Discomfort of Chronic Back Pain

Back pain can change your entire life by limiting your daily activities and preventing you from enjoying the things you used to do. If you are experiencing chronic back pain,…

How to Identify and Treat Back Muscle Spasms

 Muscle spasms in your back can be more than just a nuisance – they can be downright painful and can even signal a serious problem. If you are having back…