Neck Problems

Bone Spurs in the Neck: Cervical Osteophytes

As we age, our bodies, and particularly our our bones and joints are the first to degenerate, or break down. 50 percent of people over age 60 suffer from osteophytes,…

Spinal Meningitis

Spinal Meningitis is an inflammation of the membrane surrounding your spinal cord, usually caused by an infection. Meningitis can be treated easily if early detection occurs, but if not it…

Home Remedies for a Stiff Neck

“These articles are meant for general education and are not intended to diagnose, prevent or treat a specific disease. Please see Dr. Sharma for questions regarding the specific treatment of…

Cervical Disc Pain: What YOU Can Do About It

You may notice that as you grow older, you begin experiencing more and more pain in your neck and shoulders region. Most adults are unaware of the constant stress that…

Types and Causes of Chronic Neck Pain

While we know that many adults suffer from chronic lower back pain at some point in their life, not nearly enough attention is given to those who suffer from neck…