Spinal Fusion

From Spine Fusion Failure to Full Recovery

Many patients who visit us have run into previous issues with other doctors and surgeons. They don’t understand what went wrong in the past, or how to fix the issue…

Patient Finds Relief After Spine Fusion Failure

When you decide to undergo any type of surgical procedure, you assume that you’ll come out the other side feeling better. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. We recently consulted with…

Spinal Fusion Brings Patient Relief

After many years of pain and suffering, a patient visited our practice to better understand the cause of his back and neck pain. Upon learning more about the patient’s situation,…

Spinal Fusion Surgery 101

From discomfort to limited mobility, back pain can impact your life on a daily basis. When you are living with pain in your lower back, lumbar spinal fusion may be…

How to Make Your Spinal Fusion Surgery a Success

Did you know that a spinal fusion surgery does not actually create the fusion? The surgery is performed to create the environment for the fusion to develop, and over the next 6…

Artificial Lumbar Disc Surgery

For patients who suffer from chronic back pain, spinal fusion surgery is usually the first surgical option they are willing to consider. As we previously discussed , the purpose of…

Spinal Fusion

The spinal column is made of vertebral bodies, discs and ligaments. Together they form a functioning unit that lends stability to the body and allow us to move. This column…