Managing Arm Pain Originating from the Cervical Spine

There are many causes of arm pain, all of which need to be considered if you’re suffering from this type of discomfort.

Did you know that your pain might be originating from the cervical spine? If this ends up being true, it’s important to understand and implement the right treatment process.

To start, for a period of roughly four weeks, you should use an anti-inflammatory medication, such as Ibuprofen, to fight the pain.

If this doesn’t bring any relief, it’s time to visit a neurosurgeon to learn more about your problem and to see which steps to take next.

In most cases, an MRI of the cervical spine is a great place to start. From there, you’ll have a better idea of what’s causing the pain and how to move forward.

Some doctors opt for conservative care, such as the use of epidural injections. In the event that this doesn’t work, surgery may be the best option.

As complicated as this sounds, an experienced surgeon can take on this procedure with efficiency and success. In fact, the hospital stay is typically short and a full recovery won’t take too long.

A ruptured or degenerated cervical disc that causes arm pain can be a serious problem if not taken care of. In the event that you run into this issue, don’t wait to receive professional care.

You can contact our office to ask questions and make an appointment. At that point, you know you’ll be in good hands!